Industry Expertise Insights

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Industry Expertise

Financial Management for Agribusiness

Managing both debt and working capital improve the odds of achieving long-term success.
Having a solid handle on the numbers behind your agribusiness can make the complex financial realities more manageable.

Manufacturing Issues That Impact Competitiveness

Technology has a key role to play in helping today's manufacturers tackle new challenges.
Digital solutions have an important role in helping companies generate greater customer loyalty.
Industry Expertise

Use Budget Surplus Smartly

Apply strategic, long-term planning to how you use your local government's budgetary surplus.
Governments need to make smart choices about their spending to make sure they're prepared for leaner times.

Keeping Distribution Costs Manageable

Distribution costs increased due to tariffs and the delivery speed demanded by online retail.
By improving operational efficiency and flexibility, wholesalers can remain competitive.
Industry Expertise

The Importance of a Nonprofit Succession Plan

Learn how you to put together a succession plan for your nonprofit and minimize disruptions.
The first step is to identify the most important roles that must be replaced effectively.
Industry Expertise

Budgeting for Government Agencies

Engaging more managers in the initial agency budget discussions will drive powerful results.
As you work on the budget, maintain focus on the most important items and the objectives.
Industry Expertise

The Basics of Invoice Factoring

Although invoice factoring has drawbacks, it can provide flexibility and improve cash flow.
Factoring is a short-term solution to provide cash flow in high-growth scenarios.
Industry Expertise

Tips for Better Budgeting in State and Local Government

Tips for Better Budgeting in State and Local Government
To adopt a bigger-picture approach to budgeting, define the long-term goals for your municipality.
Industry Expertise

The Right Employees Can Help With Fundraising

How to hire the right employee and train them for effective grant writing and fundraising plans.
Offering fundraising training can help set your organization up for success.

What Churches Need to Know to Maintain Their Tax-Free Status

Religious organizations aren't required to pay taxes as long as they avoid these three activities.
Lobbying in substantial amounts could jeopardize your church's tax-exempt status.
Industry Expertise

5 Strategies to Boost Your Vet Clinic's Cash Flow

Marketing can help you get more customers in the door—and keep more revenue from going out of it.
One way to expand your customer base is to diversify your services.
Industry Expertise

Create a Budget That Reflects Your University's Mission and Priorities

How a university spends its nonprofit operating budget impacts how it attracts potential students.
One way to allocate funds is to focus on expenses that generate a healthy return on investment.
Industry Expertise

Control Costs in Sustainable Design

Sustainable architecture projects can yield cost savings without sacrificing the human experience.
Build a reputation for creative designs that address environment concerns while also saving costs.
Industry Expertise

Boost Your University's Earning Potential

These six ideas can bring money and exposure to your institution.
Your campus likely has facilities and equipment that could be useful to companies or members of the community.
Industry Expertise

Architecture Software 101

Learn about the financial side of investing in technology for architecture firms.
Investing in architecture design software can help firms stay competitive and provide the best results for their clients.
Industry Expertise

It's Time for a Fundraising Checkup at Your College or University

How do your school's fundraising strategies stack up? Review these tips for a refresh.
Diversifying your donor sources can help ensure a consistent flow of funds for a range of initiatives.

Showing 81 - 96 of 102 results

Showing 81 to 96 of 102 results

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